Trustee Governance Oversight Responsibilities

September 2023-2024

The Trust Board takes all statutory, mandatory and regulatory accountabilities seriously and is fully compliant with the DfE Academy Trust Handbook and associated ESFA requirements. To maintain a focus on important aspects of school improvement work, the Trust Board appoints individual Trustees to fulfil particular roles:

Governance oversight Trustee
Safeguarding and Child Protection David Sheldon
Relationship and Health Education David Sheldon
Outcomes and Quality of Education Viv Randall
Inclusion, SEND and Children in Care Cheryl Millard
Behaviour and Attendance Viv Randall
Pupil, Sports, and Recovery Premia David Peters
Sustainability John McDermott
Christian Distinctiveness (Beechwood CE Primary School)
Trustee Professional Development Lead Robert Bowater
Pupil and Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health Sue Egersdorff
Rights Respecting Schools Programme Catherine Giffiths
Parent and Community Voice Mahbub Elahi